Summertime is a great time to get together with friends and family for some outdoor fun. And what’s more American than cooking out on the grill?

If you’re new to the grill, or just want to brush up on your grill maintenance skills and pitfalls to avoid when using a grill, then read on for answers to some of the most common questions that we get asked about.

Also, please use our email address at the bottom of this quick read to submit your own questions and we will respond to you personally!

1. What is the best way to clean my grill grates?

The most common question we get asked is "What's the best way to clean grill grates?"

Depending on the state of your grill grates, it doesn't have to be a big deal.

  • For cleaning maintenance: at the end of each cook, simply leave the grill to run for 10 minutes to burn off any excess food scraps and grease, and then use a BBQ brush or scraper to give them a clean.  Then, use a paper towel to put a light coating of vegetable oil over your grill grates to ensure they don't rust in-between uses.
  • For a pre-season clean, or if they've been left for a while: you can soak your grates in a tub (we don't recommend your bathtub!) or wide bucket of warm water and dish soap for around 30 minutes to help loosen any food off any leftover grease.  Then, as above, use a BBQ brush or scraper to clean them up. Then, wash them off with clean water, and then consider heating the grates up for 5-10 minutes to push moisture out, and then after they've cooled off a little, apply a layer of vegetable oil.
  • For a deep clean: you can use a pressure washer or water blaster if you have one and your grates really need a good workover.  You can even soak your grates in white vinegar and baking soda overnight if you want, and then wash in hot soapy water, or even pressure wash clean.  Just remember to dry the grates out afterward and apply vegetable oil to reduce rust and corrosion forming in-between uses.

2. What is the best way to store my grill?

Most people want to know the best way to store their grill and we've got good news: the answer is pretty simple! Most grills will come with covers, or you can buy them as add-ons, and we fully recommend you use one on your grill when it's not in use. We even think you should use a cover if your grill is kept under a gazebo or outdoor umbrella, especially if it's in a coastal area where sea salt will corrode most grills in no time.

Use a cover that fits well so there aren't any gaps for dirt or moisture to seep in or powerful UV rays, and this will add years of life to your grill by reducing oxidation build-up and rust, and by reducing the build-up of grime, all of which result in costly repairs down the road.

3. What are some common mistakes people make when cooking on a grill

One common BBQ question people ask us is if there are any pitfalls to avoid when grilling.  The answer is - yes!

  • One mistake is not prepping the grill before use.  Be sure that your grates are clean before each cook, and use a paper towel to apply a thin layer of vegetable oil.  Not only is this more hygienic, but you also get a better heat distribution, the food tastes better, and of course, by doing this you reduce food sticking to your grill grates too.
  • Another mistake is not heating the grates to a decent temperature before putting food onto them.  With some foods, it won't necessarily matter too much, but if you're going for a great sear on your steak, it just won't be cooked the same if you've put your quality meat onto a grill that's still coming up to temperature.  Be a little more patient!
  • For those of you using a charcoal grill, we don't recommend starting the coals using lighter fluid, or if you do try not to use too much as it isn't healthy for you and can leave a bad taste in your mouth when you eat the food.  A chimney is easy enough to use with a little practice if you follow the instructions, or a propane torch is also really good and is fast too.
  • If your grill has a glass window in it, we strongly suggest not putting all of your burners at a high temperature without food on them, and then walking away or leaving it on for some time, as the glass may crack (even on expensive units!).

To Sum Up

Owning and using a grill doesn't have to be a daunting task if you take a little bit of time to get some of the basics right, as outlined in this short read.

Please send us your grill questions to for a personalized response, and also because it helps us to write useful content that grill lovers all over the world would like to know about.

Happy grilling, and thanks for reading!

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